VF-19 "Alpha 1"/Excalibur

This is just a random pic that will be changing quite often, check back once in a while. : )


3/14/01 Wowza! I let this site sit for a loooooong time, almost a year! Well anyways I have updated which you can most likely see & I hope you enjoy the New and Improved Macross Plus 2 which is BTW now in the Simple Anime webring.
3/24/00 Wow its been a while since i updated. Well, I made a Gundam Wing site, click here.

2/28/00 Gundam Wing is on Cartoon Network's Toonami! Its about big mecha, wars, an awsome story, a fight for justice, goverment scandels, and based on five 15 yr. olds trained for war, It rocks! Its on everyweek day at 5:30 PM,edited version, and at 12:00 Midnight,UNCUT VERSION(!!!).

2/15/00 Hi i made another site, Deadly Monkeys Jedi Clan. Its a Jedi Knight Clan's Homepage. well gtg, bye.

1/29/00 Just checking in.... oh, Macross VFX-2 (american version) has been cancelled. Im buying the jap. versiona and getting a mod chip. You can usually find the jap. version at E-bay or at Action-Ace.com.

1/12/00 I did a few updates added some new pics to My Macross Collection. Well Macross VFX-2 hasnt come out yet =( , but at least its not cancelled!! oh and heres some info and pics on the new Macross Plus veritechs coming out soon.

12/23/99 I got a labtop for Christmas!!! sorry ive been busy so i havnt done much updating.

12/11/99 I redid the pics sections and added a animated .gif section. I made the .gifs myself.

12/10/99 I changed the layout. Hows it look?

12/7/99 New chat room added!!! Its a 100x as good as the old one but you need a Java-enabled browser. Go chat!!!

12/6/99 Macross VFX-2 is coming out January 8,2000!!!

12/6/99 Merry Christmas! I added a Christmas section Check it out!

12/6/99 Todays been Really messed up!! Freeservers did something and the ad banners went out of control and were everywhere ,but i finally got most of the problem areas tied down. Sorry for the inconvience. Oh and they tried to take my counter off, but i kept it:p the freeservers counter acts weird.

12/5/99 I added Stats for the Characters and VFs in Macross Plus, it took so long to make. Check it out!

12/2/99 I added tables so the site looks good when not in fullscreen.

11/30/99 I added a guestbook, go sign it! please.

11/30/99 I added a name banner! thanks Byron. I also changed the name, sorry if this caused any inconvience, the address did NOT change.

11/30/99 Chat room added!! See it HERE.

11/28/99 TOYCOM is making new veritechs from "Marcoss Plus"!!! the 1st one/ones are expected to come out SPRING 2000!! please buy one and if they get enough sales they'll remake the old ones.

News from here back was lost in the great deletion of 3/23/00

All materials on this site are propertys of their respective owners.